Every time I begin a new novel, I write in third person POV. Sometimes I reach the end and realize the story should have been written in first. One would think that after the third time this happened, I'd learn my lesson. But no.
Why do I keep doing this? Because I don't outline. My first draft is an exploration of both story and character. By the time I finish a draft, I have a solid grip on who the MC is and what the story is about. I start hearing the voice. And sometimes that voice is screaming to be written in first person.
And honestly, I love rewriting a story from third to first, getting deep inside the MC's head and discovering what she's really thinking and how she feels about everything that's happening. What fun! Anyone else ever do this?
Have you ever revised a story from a different POV? Have you ever rewritten the story from a different character's POV? Which do you prefer writing, first or third? Past tense or present?