Friday, April 27, 2012

The Most Interesting Thing: Filling the Well

“We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled.
The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." - Ray Bradbury
I have spent most of the month of April filling up my creative well. So far I've read over a dozen novels, watched about the same number of movies, caught up with old friends, gone for some hikes, listened to new music, and gazed for hours at the many wonders of spring. My bucket feels full, but as Ray Bradbury said, the trick is knowing how to tip myself over and let the beautiful stuff out. I know it's time and I hope I'm ready to open the floodgates again. But first, I must announce the winner of Jennifer Hubbard's TRY NOT TO BREATHE. And the winner is:

Cynthia Chapman Willis
(please email me: yascribe.angelina(at)gmail(dot)com )

Thanks all of you who entered. I hope you'll get your hands  on a copy, one way or another. ^_^ If you want another chance at winning a fabulous YA novel, I'll be posting another interview of an awesome YA Contemporary author on May 1st and giving away a copy of her latest release.  Stay tuned!!!

In May I'll be hosting the #WIPMADNESS  check-ins on Mondays. Which means it's time to start thinking about goals for the new month. Having a regular writing routine and a specific goal helps me empty the creative bucket. So tell me, how do you tip yourself over and let the beautiful stuff out?


  1. I'm working on that. If I figure out a formula I'll let you know :0) Thanks for hosting next month and I'm glad this month has been so nurturing.

    1. We'll have to keep our hands open for tips for tipping the bucket. ^_^

  2. Congrats Cynthia!

    I've already got a goal in mind for May WIPMadness, thanks for hosting!

  3. Oh my goodness -- you and I are on the same page! My entire blog post today was about how I tip that bucket -- 15 minutes at a time. I'm looking forward to May! :-) Thanks!

  4. Wow, Angelina. Are you reading my mind this week or what? I feel exactly the same (very same) way. I spent all of April filling the well. Two extremely important things came out of my self-therapy this month.

    One, I met with an author friend this past Sunday for lunch. She and I met halfway; we live 3 hours apart. For one hour she drilled me about WHY I haven't done diddly-squat with my picture books I've finished. WHY I'm sitting on them, waiting for something to happen. I promised her this week when I attended my monthly SCWBI meeting, that I would take one to an open critique (for the first time, ever).

    The second wonderful thing was just that. The one day I actually brought something, a well-known children's author (she was taking a break and visiting "home" so I'd rather not mention her name anywhere online), happened to visit her old SCWBI group. I didn't know what she looked like and handed her my ms just like anyone else. She said my writing was "evocative" and "beautiful". She gave me some sound advice on how to make the ms even better. When I found who she was, I almost keeled over, right there on the spot!

    Filling the well, for me, was a good, good thing. I highly recommend it to anyone!

    Hope your month was as beautiful and fulfilling. :)

    1. That's wonderful, Candy! Putting yourself out there is scary, but it can bring rich rewards. ^_^


    MORE POUTING about losing. AGAIN.

    I took some time in March to chill and have reaped the benefits in April. Lots of excited note-taking on next project!

  6. "So far I've read over a dozen novels, watched about the same number of movies, caught up with old friends, gone for some hikes, listened to new music, and gazed for hours at the many wonders of spring."

    You inspire me, Angelina. Thanks. :)

  7. I'm still trying to figure that out . . . but it sounds like you're full the beautiful stuff ready to be tipped out onto the page. :)

    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

  8. Great metaphor. I love Ray Bradbury. He has the knack for refilling and spilling his unique stories onto the page. Loved your post.

  9. Nice post. I love that you've been filling your creativity well.

    Congrats to Cynthia!

    1. Now if I can just figure out how to start spilling my creative guts again. ^_^

  10. Honestly, I have no wisdom to add, but lately a quote has been running through my mind that I saw on twitter. Stephen King said that writing is still a job and you have to sit your butt down and do it. Or something like that... I'm sure he said with a bit more "color," but we'll leave it at that. But when not sitting at the screen, I've had a great time reading a book about a baker "The Baker's Daughter" by Sarah McCoy and treating myself to a bakery visit while I read. YUUUMMM... though my waistline may not like it. =)

  11. Congrats to Cynthia!
    My trick to pouring out the creativity is to just sit down and write.


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