Friday, September 14, 2012

The Most Interesting Thing: Taking Chances

"Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good."
--William Faulkner

Right now I face some hefty decisions in my writing life. Risky decisions.

Are you a risk taker? I am.
At the same time, I don't make decisions in haste. I like to pause and imagine all the possible outcomes,  get input from my trustworthy writing partners, calculate whether or not it's wise to take a chance.
We writers face decisions every time we open our WIPs, every time we receive feedback from our critique partners, every time we query or go out on submission. Chancy decisions.
I don't know about you, but I believe I'm leaning toward Mr. Faulkner on this one. 
What do you think about taking chances? Are you willing to take risks?


  1. I say the more risk, the better. I'm all about taking chances.

  2. We have to. So much of what we do as writers is a risk, but you never know until you try, right? And you've certainly proved what a risk-taker you are, in life and in writing. If you need to bounce another opinion off someone for this particular dilemma, you know where to find me. Whatever you decide, hugs and courage headed your way.

  3. Like you, I don't make decisions in haste, but I have been known to take BIG risks. They have always worked out for the better in the long run. Go with your gut -- it never lies!

  4. I don't think we can grow, as writers or people, until we take risks. Even if it's a mistake, you learn and grow.

  5. I am one of the most risk-averse people you'll ever meet.

    But I try to take emotional risks in my writing. Maybe that's where I channel it all!

    1. I believe that's exactly what Mr. Faulkner was talking about. ^_^

  6. I'm not a big risk-taker in life -- but I've taken a few. I think writing is pretty much ALL about risk, though.

  7. I like to think of myself as a risk-taker but fear gets in the way sometimes. But for me it's more about physical pursuits like training my baby horses.

    1. Fear can get in the way or fear can save out butts. ^_^

  8. I do take risks and make decisions fast to repent at leisure!

    1. I hear you on this one. It's my impulsive decisions that get me in the most trouble, but they're the most fun!

  9. I love reading your posts - SO INSPIRING!!!

    Yes, I agree with Mr. Faulkner. Definitely take some risks. :) Good luck!

  10. There's a risk I've been thinking about taking in terms of careers ... But I don't know if now is the right time!

    1. Doubt and fear can protect us, but sometimes we have to step away from them. So hard to know!

  11. I only wish I could take bigger risks. My fear is crippling most days. Some days I'd like to live in the paws of the honey badger. (Thinking of a YouTube video about the honey badger makes me giggle.) I admire you as a risk taker, Angelina. My thoughts are with you (regarding the comment you left me) at this time. *~* Moves of all sorts are exciting and an opening to new possibilities. Enjoy the ride. :)

    I love the Faulkner quote above. I may need to print that out and stick it on my bathroom mirror. It would be good to affirm this everyday.

  12. Absolutely, but I have to sit and think. I might do something soon, whereas some things take much longer to build up the nerve for.

  13. Interesting! Yes, though sometimes I'm more willing to take chances than other times. I think we have to push ourselves as writers. Taking chances allows us to grow--and keep our work alive.

    Very inspiring, Angelina!


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