Friday, October 5, 2012

The Most Interesting Thing: Is Your Routine Lethal?

"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It's lethal."--Paulo Coelho
For the past couple months I've been living one great adventure after another. And I love it. For me Mr. Coelho's words are dead on. Routines kill me. 

"But what about writing routines?" you may ask.

I do believe in a good writing routine, but sometimes that writing routine can turn into a deep writing rut. Then what? I have to change the routine. Change the kind of stories I write. Change POVs. Change tense. Change where I write. Change when I write. Change something. Change keeps my writing alive. What about you?

How do you keep your routine from becoming lethal?


  1. I have to admit that I like routine. However, I often do a "gut check" to see if it's still working for me. If things start to feel a bit on the stale side, I'm quick to change it up.

  2. A little shake up would be good in my writing routine!

    1. I think you've had some great shake ups lately. ^_^

  3. My husband is a devout planner, and he keeps a really tight schedule. I told him the other day that I'd go nuts if I wrote out a schedule and forced myself to keep it every day. So the only routine for me would be doing the things that have to be done at a certain time, liking taking my kids to school and picking them up. Oh, yeah, and church on Wednesday and Sunday. Other than that, no routine.

  4. I read something unexpected. Something I wouldn't usually read, something completely other than what I'm writing. I basically go and take something off my husband's nightstand and read it. It helps me get out of my own head (and my own story) and get bogged down in a writing routine.

  5. Yeah, I mountain bike everywhere with my killer Cannondale. I know we shall go for maaany cycling trips in Heaven. God bless you.


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