Friday, December 28, 2012

The Most Interesting Thing: Turning Worst Moments Into Money

"Writing is turning one's worst moments into money." - J. P. Donleavy


In case you haven't noticed, I've been through some pretty heavy trauma lately. I'm not going to air the details publicly, but let's just say it's been awful. Please don't feel sorry for me. I've lived through a lot of horrible stuff in my life and I'm still here. Which reminds me of the above quote. I heard it for the first time from author Joan Bauer a few years ago. She and I chatted about not just being survivors, but being overcomers. At the time, I was working on a project that dealt with my worst moments. I still haven't turned that project into money, but I'm hopeful that it will one day earn me a boatload of cold hard cash. The best revenge.

So what do you think? Do you hope your writing will turn your worst moments into money?


  1. I like to say, "It's all material." And indeed it is. Short of death, nothing truly bad can happen to a writer. We work it through. We move it out. We take that pile of manure and plant lovely gardens for the pleasure of all. Write on, Angi, write on!

  2. Hmm, you know I have never thought of that...but there is one thing...and it would be book therapy. Scares me thought.

    Write on indeed!

    You were in my thoughts this morning. About the time this post went up believe it or not. And yep I do believe you are an overcomer.

    1. Thank you. I have to keep reminding myself of that. . .

  3. I think life experiences enrich our writing although I'm not so sure we should necessarily write *about* them. When I'm tempted, I remember that I'm not emotionally distanced enough to write it as a good story.

    1. I think a person needs at least twenty years of distance. . .

  4. Well, I've turned it into art, which has brought me a little money, but more than that, the chance to share some of the dark stuff and some of the hope with others.

    "Someday this pain will be useful to you ..."

    Hugs. Hope you're moving toward happier places.

    1. Thanks, Jenn. The only way out is through. Happiness waits on the other end, smiling at me.

  5. Yes. It's one of the best things about being a writer. Other people suffer, too. But we writers get to use the bad stuff as material, in one way or another.

    Hugs and good vibes for better times ahead.

  6. I think it would be the best revenge. Ever. Some day when you're ready, I just know you'll flip the negative around to something positive.

    I hope the New Year brings you tons of greatness, Angelina.

    1. Thanks, Candi. Has to be better than 2012. ^_^


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