This week I start round two of edits for Ace (he says he's too busy hunting gummy worms to be bothered to work on his novel.) Since Isafella is taking care of the birdwatching, I should have plenty of time to meet the challenge.
When faced with a deadline, I take Anne Lamott's simple but brilliant advice. I will edit one feather, one beak, one wing at a time.
To help me meet my deadline, I'm participating in
Denise Jaden's Writing, Reading, Blogging Challenge--March Madness. Last year I revised the same book I'm working on this year and a little over six months later, IT SOLD! If you're looking for a boost this month, please sign up over at
Denise's blog--state your goal(s) and watch loads of encouragement envelope you at check-ins each day. There are great PRIZES, too! Wednesday check-ins will be right here!
Join the March Madness!
Or watch birds.
Your choice.