Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March Madness Day 20 Check-In

“It was such a spring day as breathes into a man an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness, a longing that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace he knows not what.”― John GalsworthyThe Forsyte Saga

Today is the first day of my favorite season. Welcome to spring, Wipsters! 
We have another winner:
Joy MC
You can go to this post to pick your prize (you have your choice of any of the remaining ones)
And then you can email Denise your choice at d(at)denisejaden(dot)com and we will get it to you.

Springtime is amazing. Crocus and daffodils bloom where less than two weeks ago a foot of snow covered the ground. That always astonishes me.
The beauty in my current WIP seems to be buried under a foot of snow.
As I attempt to breathe life into the cold first draft that has laid dormant for over a year, I am searching for the beauty that lies beneath the surface. If I give this story some rain and the warmth of the sun, maybe it will blossom into something breathtaking. 
What are your thoughts on springtime and writing?


  1. That's right, I forgot spring started today - awesome! The book I'm working on takes place mainly over March/April/May and I need a refresher course over when certain things bloom (wild violets, dogwood trees, etc.). Can't wait to incorporate some nature into my story!

    1. Excellent idea! Enjoy your flower research. ^_^

  2. Today is the first day of Spring, and we have more snow headed our way on Thursday. I can honestly say my writing changes tone with the seasons, tends to be a bit lighter during the spring and summer, more of a desperate feel in the late fall and winter. I am about ready for some lightness.

  3. I love the metaphor of your manuscript blossoming like the flowers in spring. Our crocuses and some of our daffodils are blooming, despite the fact that we had freezing rain and sleet just a few couple ago. If the flowers can be hardy enough to withstand such weather, I can persevere as well.

  4. Spring is always the season that inspires my poetic side, so this one always moves me -- "Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." ~Rainer Maria Rilke. Best of luck with your revisions, Angi. May your manuscript blossom and grow!

    1. How funny, Barb. That was the other quote I thought about using. Thanks for sharing. ^_^

  5. I'm snowed in--but writing wise I'm doing spring house cleaning. I have about a million small projects to finish, so I finally broke down and wrote a list. It feels good to check things off instead of just staggering from one to the other--and spend the rest of my time fretting about when my revision notes are coming.

    Today I sent back information to a website designer and wrote a blog post for tomorrow.

    Happy Spring to everyone!

    1. Sounds like productivity blossoms forth, Pat. Enjoy!

  6. I have to say, Fall has always been the season that gets me going. I love the change in the colors and the crisp air. Of course, the dark and spooky atmosphere inspires my ghosty side! But I do love Spring as well. Tulips are one of my favorite sights. The air has a different kind of crispness mingled with a new warmth that seems encouraging, inviting.

    It's time for long walks again. Time to let my brain sift through the writing and be inspired by new life.

    May all of our WIPs blossom into something breathtaking!

    1. I love tulips, too. Yesterday my 4-yr-old downstairs neighbor pointed out the tulips he planted last fall. They're on their way!

    2. They were our wedding flowers (April). I didn't know if they would bloom this far south...

  7. I thought it want spring till Friday! But I'll take it!

    I have four books to revise, so I've been keeping busy! Hoping to get the first one to my second reader tonight!

  8. Oh yay! Prizes! Thanks!

    Crocuses are blooming here and cherry blossoms - my favorites - are just starting. I didn't realize today was the first day of spring, but fittingly, the kids and I are planning to go to the garden store and get compost and seeds, etc. My two-year-old thinks we should plants tomatoes, snap peas, spinach, and tortillas. Fall is my favorite, but I do love the promise of this time of year.

    I'm trying to finish up a stubborn first draft, so it's feeling a little more like when winter stretches on really long right now, but spring will come!

    1. Sounds like fun. Let me know if you find those tortilla seeds. ^_^

      You will finish! Now go claim your prize. . .

  9. Writing changes for me with every season. It's mostly the feel behind the weather that changes how I write––sitting on the patio with my laptop in the summer, inside by the window in the spring and fall, curled on the couch with blankets in the winter.

    Writing-wise, I'm just about done with my MS. Finished line edits on Monday, now going back to tweak a last couple things, then I'll be on the hunt for beta readers/CPs before querying. Exciting times!

  10. Yay, Brooke! You know I'm always available for a beta read for you. ^_^

  11. Spring will not start for me until I'm done with the dry work of this non-fiction. Not complaining--I'm thrilled this book is getting out there. I will just be so ready to "blossom" back into my love of stories when this is done. Yesterday too much longer to get through a small project than I anticipated. I've readjusted my expectations (hopefully) and still hope to get through this draft by the end of the week.

  12. I love the idea of Spring being a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, renewal of creativity. Such a good time to be writing! Alas, I've fallen behind lately, thanks to way too much non-writing stuff that can't be put off. Maybe I'll think of NEXT week as my spring, with a great burst of new words as I reach for my March Madness goal. Meanwhile, I'll squeeze in as much writing time as I can.

    1. I hear ya. I still feel like I'm in winter, but the daffodils on my kitchen table help. ^_^ Next week will be a better week for the madness.

  13. To be truthfully honest, there isn't a nicer thought at the moment. Spring time, flowers, warm air, newness all around, green leaves sprouting. Couple all that with a new idea or a new outlook on an old idea...there's nothing better. ;) May a fresh, new love spring up for you and your wip, Angelina. If you keep searching, the beauty will emerge.

    I finally got my finished draft to my CP, who had a few suggestions for me. I'll work on those this afternoon and the rest of the week. I hope to have it ready for a SCBWI meeting critique next Wed. Fingers crossed.

    Hope everyone is having a super-awesome week!!

    1. Thanks Candilynn. Great to have you back. ^_^

    2. As who might get to read your work at next week's meeting I am looking forward to it. I met with my critique group tonight, but I had not sent the pages I am trying to smooth out. I like Angelina's idea of bringing rain and sunshine into the work to help it blossom. My group agreed to read my chapter in between meetings. Maybe I can bring it to the meeting next week, too.
      Thanks Angelina and Candilynn!

  14. To me Spring symbolizes rebirth, hope, and fresh starts. It also helps to motivate me to get out of bed earlier and exercise before I start my day. Today though didn't start off so great with our cockatiel traumatizing herself and I spent the morning in the vet's office. One suggestion he gave me was to play calming music in the background. I'm doing that and it's inspiring me to get some writing in!

    Hope everyone is getting some writing in today! I'm shooting for at least one scene.

    1. What's good for the goose. . . I mean cockatiel. . . ^_^ Hope you get your scene done.

  15. Spring to me is all about the work put in months ago... it took me three weeks to clean out my rose bush/spring bulb patch and weed it completely last fall. In the last three weeks, we have crocuses and hyacinths like crazy. Tulips and daffodils to follow in a crazy mix as I had no idea what was what when I put them back in the earth. Kinda like writing and reseaching right? I think so. I'm way behind my goal, but my wee WIP is perking right along. =)

    1. Yeah. I get that. I worked many months ago to draft this novel and there are some little treasures buried deep inside. Happy to hear you're perking along. ^_^ Progress is progress.

  16. I love spring! Many of my stories seem to be in springtime, it's such a hopeful time.

    I managed to get my 2 chapters revised today, only 6 left before I'm done this rewrite! Congrats to Joy for winning and congrats to everyone who's progressing, whether slowly (like me this week) or fast (like me NEVER) or just in their head (like me last week). So glad I found this group

    1. So glad to have you along for the madness. Congrats on the great progress today. ^_^

  17. My thought is..."SPRING! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?"

    Good work everyone!

    1. Sending spring across the country. Should arrive soon. ^_^

  18. There's entirely too much snow in my yard to even think about spring.

    I've been battling major fatigue today and I was so tired that I had to double-check the date because I couldn't figure out what day it was to check in on the right blog. I wrote 7 reviews for IGN today and that completely sucked the life out of me. I haven't done anything for far on the WIP today but I'm going to try to bang out a few pages before bed. All I want to do is sleep for a million years and I don't even know why. Ugh.

    1. Well, Rip Van Winklette, I hope you get the rest you need and have a better day tomorrow. Wishing you sunshine and snowmelt. ^_^

    2. I'm so tired that I sat here thinking "What does Rip Van Winkle have to do with anything?" for several minutes before it clicked.

  19. Congrats, Joy!

    Writing this season reminds me of new life and new possibilities. Perhaps a story idea that got shelved gets revisited and becomes something new and wonderful after the time away. Especially with collective support through March Madness, #wipmadness, and the upcoming Camp NaNoWrimo, I'm rejuvenated this time of year. It makes me hopeful the rest of the year will be fruitful.

    Today, I worked on my Camp NaNo outline, brainstormed and drafted more scenes for my short story submissions, and had a second look at drafts I've hibernated with a fresh perspective to see which one I'd revise first. I think the most fun I had, though, was dancing the opening scene of Madagascar with my godson. We were zebras and lions and had fun reenacting the slow motion sequences.

    Pretty good and exhausting day. The family members said I look tired and need to sleep early (I stayed up late last night with my niece because she's in one of those 'wide awake at midnight' phases.) They didn't see me when I did the 3-Day Novel contest two years straight. I'll let them share their observations after Camp NaNo. On second thought, they need to get to my 'beauty' because sleep isn't in this writer's vocab, not if I can help it.

    Forward, write!



    1. Wow. If I don't sleep, I can't think. I marvel at those of you who function without it. ^_^

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I function. How well, is another story. When I was younger, it was just because I could. Then, out of necessity, midnight oil burning came after the nephew and niece were born. Late night feedings, they sleep, I write. However, I've produced pretty interesting stuff (in a good way according to crit partners) in the wee hours. You'd be surprised what you can produce while your numb fingers type away and your body literally tingles from exhaustion. I can compare it to the early symptoms of the flu or some other chill-inducing blehness.

      I marvel at my own masochism. haha

  20. Spring has sprung, the grass is riz!

    I swear that yesterday the birds in our trees sand a little louder and I heard a few that I've never heard before! Spring really is a wonderful time. It is a time when my writing always springs forth after a long winter nap. It's a cycle I always seem to forget about and always try to break--maybe I should learn to go with the flow and let it be!

    Here is to many more lovely days of spring in your new digs!

  21. Ooops. And here I was trying to start a better habit yesterday.

    Anyway, my critique partner did get back to me with a few pages of revisions (she's been crazy-busy herself), but I was still in reading mode and fighting exhaustion, so I grabbed a book by an author I love and I'm enjoying it. Slept well last night, and I'm ready to get back to work. Yay!

    1. Sounds great! Best wishes today and don't forget to check in over at Mary Ann's!


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