Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Madness Day 16 Check-In

How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time!
Writing a novel, revising, seeking publication, getting published, marketing and promoting that novel--it's like climbing a tall, rugged mountain. You could probably do it alone, but it's much easier and way more encouraging to make that climb with others who will support you along the way, don't you agree?
That's what March Madness is all about. It's not just about attaining daily writing goals and checking in, it's about meeting fellow climbers--writers who are trekking step-by-step to meet those same goals. Over the years I've found some great partners here with whom I've been joyfully hiking the publication mountain.
So this post is about making connections. Please feel free to share with us how to connect with you via Twitter, Facebook, your Blog, or wherever else we can find you!

AND. . . I'd like to give away another prize from our huge prize arsenal today! Today's winner is...
Jennifer Pickrell!
Congratulations, Jennifer! Stop by our goal-setting post, and choose your prize from those still listed. Email Denise at d(at)denisejaden(dot)com with your choice and we'll get it out to you as soon as possible.
And if you didn't win, there are still LOTS of great prizes to be won, so keep checking in each day...

So how have things been going this weekend?
Don't forget to check in tomorrow at L.S. Taylor's blog


  1. I've been busy driving son to scouting events this weekend. He helped one friend with his Eagle project which was making and putting in backpack racks in an elementary school classroom. Then he helped another friend with a 'Life' project.

    I downloaded my copy of the Veronica Mars movie and watched. Weekends are usually mellow for me. Not much writing though I plan to read through my revision and make some notes.

    1. Hope your weekend has been refreshing and relaxing, Kim. ^+^

  2. Yay!!!!

    I really want to jump right into the final read-through of my MS, but I'm forcing myself to step away until April. In the meantime, I'm beta reading and thinking about shiny new ideas.

    1. Stepping away is a wise move, Jennifer. Have fun with the beta reading and idea brainstorming.

  3. You said step at a time and do it with friends. My novel is taking a bit of a back seat whilst I work on Middle Grade March. Feel like I am not giving it the attention it needs right now and want to be sure I am giving my all. SO...MGM takes the lead in terms of working on it a couple of hours a day (need to be out there spreading the word, visiting other blogs etc) and each day I will work on my book, just not quite as much and that is okay! Thanks for the post...gooooo wipsters!!

    1. Work is work. And your MGM work is much appreciated. ^+^

  4. Today is the first day I've taken off of writing completely this month. But I'm glad I checked in on Twitter quickly and remembered about this check-in. Even when I'm not writing, March isn't the same without saying hi to my MM friends. I had a mostly relaxing day doing other stuff and am eager to get back to my WIP tomorrow morning.

    1. Sounds like your day of rest did what it was supposed to do, D.

  5. You're so right about the support of our online writing community. All the encouragement we could possibly need is here among our writing friends and I'm so grateful for it.

    Unfortunately it isn't going to change things for me today. There's still more than an hour left of Sunday here, but I'm becoming resigned to the fact that I'm not going to have any words to record today. I accompanied my DH out of town this morning, and I took my notebook and made a few notes. I didn't have any real epiphanies about the next chapter, however, and I'm too tired tonight to try stumbling blindly ahead. So I think I'll accept that tonight I'll sleep and tomorrow (despite it being St. Patrick's Day) I'll write the words.

    As we dive into week #3 I wish everyone a successful pursuit of their #wipmadness goals.

    1. Sounds like most took Sunday off. I actually did more writing than I have in a long time. Still sick in bed. Have a great week!

  6. I wish everyone a great St Patrick’s Day tomorrow. May the luck of the Irish be with you.

  7. I took it easy over the weekend, mostly sleeping, but that also felt like a step in the process: recognizing when I need to take breaks.I definitely feel better for it!

    1. I slept a lot this weekend, too, but I still feel awful. Happy that you are feeling better for it. ^+^

  8. Had a busy weekend, so I'm playing MM post catch up. Had to put a family member in ICU yesterday am, so lots going on with that. Not a lot of time dedicated to the wip in the past two days. I'm hoping to make some time this afternoon. :)

    1. So sorry to hear that, Candy. I hope things will improve. (((hugs)))

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