Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why I Write to Music

My writing playlist: Baroque, Classical, and Romance (piano and orchestra) Chris Botti and Italian Opera (instrumental only).

I can write without music, but not very well. I think it has something to do with brain hemispheres. Music puts me in that imaginative and mysterious place (where spelling flies out the window and ideas pop up like dandelions).

Writing with music does something else for me--it makes me feel less lonely.

What about you? Do you listen to music while you write? Why?

WHAT I'M READING THIS WEEK: Crash Into Me (Albert Borris) Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress (Dai Sijie) Corelli's Mandolin (Louis De Bernieres)


  1. I love to listen to classical and orchestra music (Yo-yo Ma especially) when I write. But I can't really listen to anything with words because the lyrics some how find their way into my writing, one word at a time ;)

  2. Great post! I have trouble sometimes listening to music while writing. It's like talking and driving. Haha, I have trouble doing two things at once. ;)

  3. Hello from She Writes and fellow SCBWI member. Awesome news about your grant! Way to go!


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