Friday, February 22, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: One Word or Two?

"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do."
 - Thomas Jefferson

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: Right in the Difficult

“Right in the difficult we must have our joys, our happiness, our dreams: there against the depth of this background, they stand out, there for the first time we see how beautiful they are.”― Rainer Maria Rilke

Coffee Pot Rock, Sedona Arizona
As some of you know, I recently suffered a terrible betrayal. Betrayed by the one I loved above all others on earth. But as Rilke wrote, in the midst of the difficult I still have my joys, my happiness, my dreams. I see these clearer than ever and they are breathtaking.

I thank you for the love and support with which you've enveloped me. As the pieces of my shattered life come back together, I am overwhelmed with appreciation. I am surrounded by magnificence amidst the chaos. Each day brings reasons for joy. My happiness transforms. My dreams expand.

Right in the difficult, are you seeing your beautiful joys, your happiness, your dreams?

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: WINNERS!

Okay, so you know you're all winners, but some of you are winners of prizes. Ace wanted to give all of you a bag of Alien Fresh Jerky, but his favorite place went out of business.
The winner of Ace's special gummy worm prize goes to: 
Jaye Robin Brown
First page critiques go to:

Girl Parker
Deb Marshall

And the winner of Jeanne Ryan's NERVE is:

Alex Villasante

Thanks for celebrating with us!
If you're name is one of the above, please email me with your mailing address:

And please send me all your good thoughts for this weekend. I'm moving and I have to help Ace with a Sunday night deadline on his first round edits. He's a bit overwhelmed.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: Little Green Buddy Gets a Book Contract

"I've been trying to get published for five years and this obnoxious alien gets a book deal on his first try."

Yes. It's true. Ace Hansen will have a book published before me. The beautiful people at MuseItUp publishing were brave enough to take on this gassy MG novel inspired by a breath mint commercial.

To celebrate, Ace is making a HUGE sacrifice and will send a big bag of gummy worms to the person who tweets the funniest link to this blog post (on Twitter.) Ace would love it if you'd follow him on Twitter, too. He gets lonely out there in cyberspace.

And just for fun, I (Angelina) will award (3) first page critiques (query or manuscript) to random commenters who also tweet about this announcement. Just tell us you did it. We'll believe you.

We'll announce the winners here next Friday. Sound fair?

Now clap your hands and jump up and down for Ace. His antennae will pick up the vibration. ^_^