Friday, February 1, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: Little Green Buddy Gets a Book Contract

"I've been trying to get published for five years and this obnoxious alien gets a book deal on his first try."

Yes. It's true. Ace Hansen will have a book published before me. The beautiful people at MuseItUp publishing were brave enough to take on this gassy MG novel inspired by a breath mint commercial.

To celebrate, Ace is making a HUGE sacrifice and will send a big bag of gummy worms to the person who tweets the funniest link to this blog post (on Twitter.) Ace would love it if you'd follow him on Twitter, too. He gets lonely out there in cyberspace.

And just for fun, I (Angelina) will award (3) first page critiques (query or manuscript) to random commenters who also tweet about this announcement. Just tell us you did it. We'll believe you.

We'll announce the winners here next Friday. Sound fair?

Now clap your hands and jump up and down for Ace. His antennae will pick up the vibration. ^_^


  1. You should feel like a proud alien mentor Angelina! Hugs to you and Ace!!! Woohoo!

  2. Woohoo! Happy to have another fabulous Muse author around :) (I've been meaning to congratulate you for a while, but hey, better late than never?)

  3. Congratulations, Angela! Very exciting!

  4. YAY! YAY! YAY! So happy for you! I've been waiting and waiting for this news to go public! I hope Ace and his gaseous story make a zillion little kids giggly. It certainly made my 9 yo daughter laugh!

  5. WAHOOOOOOOoooooooo! Congratulations!!! You are such an inspiration, Angi!

  6. I recall Ace commenting on my blog a few months back. I was all, like, WHO is this character?? I began my search (stalk), which led me to his Twitter account and website. I was stumped, and bravely Tweeted "him". *giggles* why did I NOT pay attention to his last name? So, the joke was on me, but oh, it was hilarious! I'm so thrilled for (you) him and his book deal. *Squeals*

    Off to tweet. :)

  7. YAYAYAYAYAY! so excited for you - and Ace, of course. Now, are those sour gummy worms or (pardon the pun) garden variety gummy worms? CONGRATULATIONS!!!! will absolutely be following Ace on twitter, since he's clearly got his finger on the pulse of the galaxy.

  8. Super big YAAAAAAAAY for Ace and Angelina!!!!!

  9. Yay!!!! Such great news. Congrats!!!

  10. CONGRATS! *throws confetti* *passes out cake* *throws more confetti*

  11. When Angi read me the first half of this novel, I laughed so much, it took me double the time to get a pizza together and in the oven. You will LOVE it.

    So many congratulations!! Are you going to publish under "Ace"?

    Happy dance!!

  12. Hooray! And yes. I did the tweet.

  13. Congrats! We're going to book pub sisters! EARRINGS OF IXTUMEA is published by them too!

  14. Yay!!! Good for you, Ace (Angelina)! <3

  15. Congratulations!!! No funny green alien jokes, but boy, I'll never look at a gummy worm the same way again. We love 'em in this household.

  16. This. Is. So. Awesome! Yah for you and yah for Ace!

  17. THIS IS SO AWESOME!!! Congratulations, Ace!!!

  18. LOL, I just noticed Barb and I said the same thing in our comment. But it IS so awesome! So happy for you!!

  19. Can I just say...WAHOOOOO~!! Now this is some good news! Congrats!

  20. YES! Never underestimate the power of a gummy worm. You did good, ACE. You, too, Angie. Onward!

  21. Yay Angelina...and Ace! Congrats!

  22. Congratulations!!! Off to tweet!

  23. Congrats, Angelina! Well, I already tweeted. :)

    Seriously, though, Ace really doesn't sound like he'd be a candidate for Mentos: The Freshmaker ... ;)

  24. Just wanted to say congrats! Loving this story and working with you!

  25. HOORAY!!! Yay Angi! Can't wait to hear more.


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