Friday, April 19, 2013

The Most Interesting Thing: Readable Books

"The virtue of books is to be readable." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
What makes a book readable? I don't think I've ever picked up a book that wasn't readable, but some of them are very putdownable. Some are harder to read than others. What makes a book easy to read? Here are a few of my random thoughts on the matter:

Engaging story
Invisible writing
Intriguing characters
Beautiful use of language
Pacing that moves along at a fast clip

What do you think makes a book readable? Please add to my list. 


  1. When I fall in love with the characters.

  2. Unanswered questions or one Burning Question is key for me. If there isn't something I'm dying to know, I often can't keep reading.

  3. I agree with Miranda - once I fall in love with characters, or just A character, I will follow them anywhere.

  4. Clarity. If I can't tell what's going on and this is due to bad writing (as opposed to clever mystery-building), I will put a book aside.

    Accessibility of language can improve the readability, although sometimes deciphering the text is part of what makes a book absorbing (think A CLOCKWORK ORANGE).

    1. Clarity v. Confusion. ^_^

      Clever language is a huge bonus for me.

  5. Oh, clarity is HUGE.

    I will add an engaging beginning, with a relatable character in a specific setting.

  6. I agree with all of those. I put down too many books because of the writing (although I do get more selective the more I write), and a few simply because *nothing* is happening. Which is always really sad, especially when a book has a unique concept and intriguing characters. I only have so much time to read, so I try to make sure what I do read is worth it.

    In the end, I think a lot of it comes down to personal taste.

  7. Good list! Only thing I would add is: a compelling/interesting mystery or hook.

    1. Or many mysteries. One resolves, another pops up. ^_^

  8. I'm with Miranda, too. I need to LOVE the character(s). After that, man, the book can lead me through fire for all I care.

  9. Great list! Characters are the most important piece for me, too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hugs to you!


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