Monday, August 1, 2011

More Madness!!!--#WIPMADNESS August Check-In--Week 1

"We aim above the mark to hit the mark."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some of you new followers may wonder what in the red rock I'm talking about. Each March, Denise Jaden hosts a writing challenge called March Madness and a group of us had so much fun, we've kept it going all summer long. You can find us on Twitter, cheering each other on using the hashtag #wipmadness.
All are welcome to join us. Just set a goal for the month of August and check back here each Monday to tell us how you're doing. We'll jump up and down and do cartwheels for you, even if you have a bad week.
So in the spirit of my favorite transcendentalist, Mr. Emerson,  I am going to aim above the mark for August. Ready? I hereby do swear that I will write 20,000 words on my WIP and thereby FINISH the first draft. 
Now that I've got that off my chest and down in writing, it's your turn. What are your writing goals for August?

P.S. For all you Partners on the Path, Stephanie Jefferson interviewed me here ^_^


  1. I'll join in! My goal this month is 15000 words (which looks terrifying to see written down).

  2. Yay, Jaime! Happy to have you join us. 15K is a great goal--500 words a day for 30 days. You can do it!

  3. Well of course I'm in. Currently at 41.6k on the WIP - I'd like to finish it - though since I haven't yet figured out the great escape scene, I'm not sure how long away the end is. It keeps growing. So how's this I'll jump in with Jaime, 15k or the end, whichever comes first!

    Thanks for hosting Angelina!

  4. I'm with you, JRo. Not sure when this will end. A great escape sounds like fun. I've got a great rescue to hammer out. Happy writing!

  5. I'm at 46K right now, so I'm going to aim for the finish line (15-20k) and see how it goes. Today, I just want to finish this chapter. But with my daughter here at work with me, we'll just have to cross some fingers and see if I can focus.

    Thanks for hosting, Angelina, and good luck everyone!

  6. Best wishes, Mary Ann. Interesting that you, me, and JRO are all nearing the finish line! Have a great week!

  7. I haven't set a wipmadness goal in a while, so it's great to come back and see how many folks are crossing the finish line with the stuff they were working on in April! Yay, you guys!

    My goals for August are:

    Turn the revision I'm working on into a thing of beauty I can send my editor by the 15th.

    Start blogging again. In a move that may lose me family and friends, as well as have my college degrees revoked, I want to launch my new blog with a weekly recap of The Jersey Shore, which comes back on this week. *ducks tomatoes and other flying fruit*

  8. Great to see you again, Jeanne. I'll reserve the tomatoes until I see the blog ^_^

    Rock the revision!

  9. I'm so jealous of all of you who are writing new words. I'm busy reworking an outline and some paragraphs for the umteenth time. But I am determined to make it through to the other side this month.

  10. You can do it, D! Are you coming over the border at all this month? I'd love to give you a hug.

  11. Hi Angelina. I just read your interview on Stephanie's blog. Fun interview. My goals for August - mainly to revise a good portion of the first draft of my YA novel - 85,000 words. That's a tall order, but what the heck! Good luck in meeting your goals!

  12. Okay, I'll join, but in the spirit of Emerson, I'm gunna aim high and hopefully come in with respectable. How about 10,000 words? Since I'm only in the 5K spot now, that sounds huge, but will try!

  13. Nice to meet you, Lyn. Aim high, right?

    Girl Parker, you can do it! As long as you don't waste too much time scratching those mosquito bites. . .

  14. Hi you guys! I'm new here, though I've seen some of you before floating around the blog-o-sphere.

    I'm going to shoot for 15K words this month, as well, which might just finish my MG WIP. Well, it'd better, considering I'm at 44K.

    Kind of nervous b/c I've been stumped for about 2 weeks. And I usually write very carefully, following a plan. So this may be mayhem and disaster!

    Glad to meet everyone! Looking forward to helping us all meet our goals for this month's #wipmadness.

  15. Hey! 3OOOO on first draft of mg wip. Happy #wipmadness august!

  16. Welcome to the madness, Lora. We'll do everything we can to help. We're especially good at stickers.

    And it's good to have a mysterious anonymous madness in our midst. At 30K you are our most high aimer. Welcome! We'll be cheering you on!

  17. Count me in! I'm aiming for 15k. Good luck to everyone else this month!

  18. Hi Angelina and everyone!

    So cool to read everyone's goals for the month, and to meet some new #wip-peeps! I am ready to cheer for all of you looking to finish a draft this month - you can do it!

    I am aiming to finish my goal from last month - this revision! Only 4 chapters left so I hope to finish this week.

    After that, I am going to go back and do some in-depth outlining for another WIP. I've got 20K written on that - much of which might need to go - but it was enough for me to experiment with and be ready to outline!

    See you all here and on twitter!

  19. Hah! Just call me debanon

  20. Welcome, Dawn! 15K seems to be the common goal. I have confidence in all of you.

    Sounds great, Kip. By next week you'll get to report a finish ^_^

    Debanon it is!

  21. Me, me, me! I want to join. I think my goal is to write between 15k to 20k this month. I've already finished my super tight outline, so I'm feeling very motivated? *coughs* Yes, I am....

  22. Welcome to the Madness, Marilyn! We're so happy to have you join us! If I can get this WIP done by the end of the month, you're my go-to beta reader, remember?

  23. I'm taking the plunge, too! It'll be my first time, to set a monthly writing goal, that is! My outline (for new non-fiction) is sketchy, my notes are scrambled, but I'm setting my goal at 20,000 by the end of the month. Did I just 20? I better get my rear in gear! :))

  24. Yay, Candy! Another 20K mad goal! Welcome to the madness.

  25. My goal is to finish rewrites on my WIP, SIGN OF THE STAR, and to seriously get started on its sequel, STAR CHILD. I am very much looking forward to this month.

    Thanks for hosting another wonderful month of checkins!


  26. L.S. May your STARS shine brightly!
    Thanks for checking in.

  27. Between my work schedule and the kids being home, I'm not expecting miracles in my writing this month, but I did just get some awesome feedback from my beta-readers and I'm anxious to start revising. So, my August wipmadness goal is to revise 1/3 of my manuscript, and then hopefully the remaining 2/3 will get done in September.

  28. Oh, goals. Fantastic! I respond well to goals. I aim to finish the first draft of the sequel I'm working on. I'm probably about one fourth done.

  29. Great to see you, Shari and yay for awesome feedback!

    Welcome, Ruth. We aim to help you get there! Finishing first drafts is on the mind of many.

  30. OK, I think I'm IN :) My goal is to finish chapters 3 and 4 in my book. I don't know how many words that will be, but it'll definitely get me moving.

    I'm starting the month almost completed writing the first draft of chapter 3 -- which means it's not close to done :) Getting that polioshed and chapter 4 in the can will be HUGE deal for me!

  31. Welcome to the madness, Amber! Chapters 3 & 4 it is. Write on. . .

  32. My Goals this month:
    - Finish edits of my novel
    - Write 15K on current WIP
    - Finish edits of my novella

    Good luck on your goals Miss Angelina!!! :)

  33. Yay, Marie! You are definitely aiming high. We're happy to cheer you on.

  34. My goal is to finish the revision of an MG novel. Page count wise, I'm 2/3 of the way through, but there is a lot of work ahead for this final third (like, rewriting the ending). My goal is to accomplish this revision by working on it daily. I'd love for it to be done by the 16th, before school starts and homework nights begin again.

    Good luck to you and to everyone else, too! Happy writing!

  35. Okay, maybe I should've set my sights higher. Since last night, I've written 3,600 words! Wow, this goal setting thing may very well be a dose of what I needed to get busy. Thanks for the invite, Angelina! I've written about it on my blog, hope you don't mind.

  36. Hey, Jeni. Welcome. That sounds reasonable. Can't believe you start school in the middle of August. Enjoy those revisions!

    Wow, Candy. That's great to hear! Thanks for the link.

  37. Okay, I'm late to the party, like always, but I'm ready for some writing madness!

    I've been editing a MS on and off for months and am starting to hate every word, so I need something new and shiny.

    I've got a pile of barely started WIPs, so I'm going to dive into one and my goal...


    I'll go with 15k!

    Good luck to everyone!!!

  38. Great to see you here again, Jennifer! Latecomers are always welcome. Hope the new and shiny makes you loads of happy. 15K is the going rate. You can do it!


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